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Theatre Review
Book one of our theatre reviews and you will have a member of Act Right come to your theatre and rate you on how inclusive we think you are.
Earn yourself the right to promote either your GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE theatre award.
Take a look at the kinds of things we are looking out for - we can't give it all away because knowing what you need to change/implement is the biggest part of becoming inclusive.
For wheelchair users and those with mobility disabilities
For deaf, deafened and hard of hearing
For blind or partially sighted
For people on the autistic spectrum
Staff training
Systems in place
How do we rate you?
Using the categories above, we have generated a check list of what we think theatres should have. Each tick box has a maximum of 5 points. This is has been decided by how important we think each point is. ​Then, based on your total you can receive an Access Award.
Contact us to book your review now!!
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